The Korea region’s chapter of the ACM SIGCHI, an interdisciplinary academic and professional group interested in human-computer interaction, user experience, usability, and other related disciplines.
SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter is the Korea region’s chapter of the ACM SIGCHI, an interdisciplinary academic and professional group interested in human-computer interaction, user experience, usability, and other related disciplines. ACM SIGCHI organizes leading HCI conferences including ACM CHI, Ubicomp, UIST, and CSCW. Recently, the number of papers from Korea in major SIGCHI conferences has significantly increased due to enormous efforts of researchers in Korea.
Our goal of SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter is to spur cross-disciplinary collaboration among HCI researchers in Korea and to increase international visibility of researchers in Korea.
We are actively recruiting local chapter members and are like to receive your feedback on local chapter activities. Feel free to contact chapter officers!
SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter
Ian Oakley and Sung-Hee Kim, Co-chairs